HNH - 채집꾼 퍼익표
---- PC게임----
2013. 10. 15. 09:47
336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.
HNH - 채집꾼 퍼익표 |
Table of Perception x Exploration collectables
Your forage level is defined as your perception stat times your exploration level.
The following table refers to the "levels" at which forageables are visible. There appear to be 100 levels of gradiation between the "First Seen" and "All Seen" levels, but this is unconfirmed.
It is known that you will start seeing forageables when your forage level is half of the forageable's base level and you will see all of a particular forageable when your forage level is double the base level. Quoting Loftar: "Rustroot's base level is 1000. Which means you'll start seeing them at 500 and see all of them at 2000."
퍼익 = perception * Exploerer
First Seen = 드물게 발견할 수 있음
Base Level = 대부분 볼 수 있음
All Seen = 완전하게 볼 수 있음
출처 : http://ringofbrodgar.com/wiki/Foraging
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